Mac users can now download and install over 750,000 Android apps thanks to the release of the BlueStacks App Player beta. ☛ Get BlueStacks For Mac - how to get BlueStacks for free on Mac! Get BlueStacks for Mac OS.#BlueStacksMac #BlueStacks.
long f[15],s1=0,s2=0
int i
char k,l='a'
for (i=0;i<15;i+=2)
if (f[i]<10 )
{i+=f[i]; k=k+l;}
{s2+=f[i]; l+=1 }
stack segment stack
db 100h dup(?)
stack ends
data segment para public
mas dd 15 dup (?)
s1 dd 0
s2 dd 0
k db ?
l db 'a'
i dw 0
data ends
code segment 'code'
mov ax,data
mov ds,ax
mov ecx,10
xor eax,eax
mov dword ptr i,eax
mov ebx,dword ptr i
m1: mov eax,mas[ebx]
cmp eax,ecx
jge m2
add s1,eax
inc k
jmp m3
m2: add s2,eax
inc l
m3: add ebx,8
mov dword ptr i,ebx
cmp ebx,15*4
jl m1
mov ax,4c00h
int 21h
code ends
end start
long b[17],s=0
int i,j
char f[20]
{if (b[i]<10)&&(abs(b[i])>0)
stack segment stack
db 100h dup(?)
stack ends
data segment para public
b dd 17 dup (?)
s dd 0
i dw ?
j dw ?
f db 20 dup (?)
data ends
code segment 'code'
mov ax,data
mov ds,ax
mov i,0
mov j,0
m2: mov bx,i
cmp bx,17*4
jge m1
mov edx,b[bx]
cmp edx,10
jge else
abs: neg edx
js abs
cmp edx,0
jle else
mov si,j
mov edx,b[si]
abs2: neg edx
js abs2
add edx,48
mov dword ptr f[si],edx
add j,4
jmp cikl
else: mov si,j
mov edx,b[si]
add s,edx
cikl: add i,4
jmp m2
m1: mov ax,4c00h
int 21h
code ends
end start
char i,j;
int k=1,s[100],d1=0,d2=0;
long m,n;
while ((k,40)&&(d1<1024))
{if (s[k]<100) {d1+=s[k];m=m+1}}
else {d2+=s[k]; n+=1;}
stack segment stack
db 100h dup(?)
stack ends
data segment para public
s dw 100 dup (?)
i db ?
j db ?
k dw 1
d1 dw 0
d2 dw 0
m dd ?
n dd ?
data ends
code segment use16 'code'
mov ax,data
mov ds,ax
mov m,0
mov n,0
mov j,100
mov i,100
m0: mov ax,k
cmp ax,40
jge m3
mov ax,d1
cmp ax,1024
jge m3
mov bx,k*2
mov ax,s[bx]
xchg ah,al
cmp ax,100
jge m1
mov dx,d1
add dx,ax
mov d1,dx
inc m
jmp m2
m1: mov dx,d2
add dx,ax
mov d2,dx
inc n
m2: inc j
inc j
dec i
inc k
jmp m0
m3: mov ax,4c00h
int 21h
code ends
end start
int mas[50],i
char st[]='opredelite kolvoslov';
static long m[2];
for (i=0; st[i]!='0'; i++)
if ((st[i])=')//(st[i]=','))
else m[1]+=1;
stack segment stack
db 100h dup(?)
stack ends
data segment public
mas dw 51 dup (?)
i dw ?
st db 'opred kolvo slov ibukv',0
m dd 3 dup (?)
data ends
code segment 'code'
mov ax,data
mov ds,ax
xor eax,eax
mov i,0
m0: mov bx,i
mov al,st[bx]
cmp al,0
je m4
cmp al,' '
je m1
cmp al,','
jne m2
m1: mov eax,m
inc eax
mov m,eax
jmp short m3
m2: mov eax,m[4]
inc eax
mov m[4],eax
m3: inc i
jmp m0
m4: mov ax,4c00h
int 21h
code ends
end start
int c[20],i,k=0,s=0
for (i=0,i<20,i+=2)
if (c[i]>2);
else k+=2
stack segment stack
db 100h dup(?)
stack ends
data segment para public
c dw 20 dup (?)
i dw ?
k dw 0
s dw 0
data ends
code segment 'code'
mov ax,data
mov ds,ax
mov i,0
gogo: mov bx,i
cmp bx,20*2
jge endx
mov ax,c[bx]
cmp ax,2
jle else
mov bl,2
div bl
xchg al,ah
xor ah,ah
add s,ax
jmp xer
else: inc k
inc k
xer: add i,4
jmp gogo
endx: mov ax,4c00h
int 21h
code ends
end start
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Соседние файлы в папке ответыMobile gaming has become a large and lucrative industry but while almost everyone these days has a smartphone, not everyone has it in their hands all of the time. Some might be more comfortable playing with a keyboard and mouse or spend most of their time in front of their desktops and laptops. That situation has given birth to Android emulators like the popular BlueStacks that is bragging about its latest big upgrade that, unfortunately, seems to still keep its feet planted deeply in the past.
The current stable version of BlueStacks was launched way back in 2018 and a lot has happened in the mobile and computing world that makes this upgrade long overdue. As smartphones become more powerful, games and apps have also become more sophisticated and demanding. At the same time, however, BlueStacks also needs to run alongside other Windows or Mac applications so it can’t really hog all the resources.
BlueStacks 5 tries to deliver its promise of speed by reducing the bloat of the system and also use as little computer resources as possible, like reducing its RAM usage by 40%. Simplifying the user interface and streamlining features also help reduce the app’s bloat. A new Eco mode was also introduced to throttle the frame rate of other BlueStacks instances running in the background to avoid bogging down the computer.
For all its promised upgrades, however, there is one thing that BlueStacks has strangely held back on. According to Android Authority, BlueStacks 5 is still based on Android 7.1.2 Nougat, a version of Android released more than four years ago. Given how many modifications BlueStacks probably made on top of it, it’s not exactly surprising it couldn’t move forward though it’s still a disappointing revelation.
BlueStacks 5 is currently still in Beta but can already be downloaded for Windows and macOS. The Android emulator is still limited to supporting x86/x64 computers, however, and the promised ARM support, especially for the Apple M1, is still nowhere to be seen.