4) Once you install the 64 bit driver, you can plug in your cable and you should be able to see it in Windows 'Device Manager'. Configure it for COM1 - COM4 per the instructions on the mini-CD. 5) VAG COM 409.1, which is an older but not crippled version of the VAG COM software, does not work under normal circumstances with Windows 7 64-bit. VAG-COM KKL 409.1 OBD2 USB CABLE DRIVER (vagcom7577.zip) Download Now. VAG-COM KKL 409.1 OBD2 USB CABLE DRIVER. KKL Vag com 409.1 USB performs the functions of a factory VAG-1551 or VAG-1552 scan tool and more. You have been completed the task of Browse and add 3 products to cart. USB KKL VAG-COM 409.1 is obd2 repair tool work with a computer.